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Lectura recomendada:
[Cardiovascular and Respiratory Risk Factors and Symptoms among General Practice Patients with Long-Term Illness]
British Journal of Psychiatry, 169:739-739
Lectura recomendada:
[The Patient's Contribution to the Therapist's Countertransference Feelings]
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 184(11):666-666
Lectura recomendada:
[Broader Autism Phenotype: Evidence from a Family History Study of Multiple-Incidence Autism Families]
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 154(2):190-190
Lectura recomendada:
[Epilepsy and Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder: Is Methylphenidate Safe and Effective?]
Journal of Pediatrics, 130(1):44-44
Lectura recomendada:
[Discriminating Borderline from Antisocial Personality Disorder in Male Patients based on Psychopathology Patterns and Type of Hostility]
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 185:446-446
Lectura recomendada:
[Schizophrenia and Nicotine Use: Report of a Pilot Smoking Cessation Program and Review of Neurobiological and Clinical Issues]
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 23(2):254-254
Lectura recomendada:
[Characteristics of Participants in a Supported Education Program for Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities]
Psychiatric Services, 47(12):1377-1377
Lectura recomendada:
[Emotional Activation of Limbic Circuitry in Elderly Normal Subjects in a PET Study]
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 154(3):384-389