Authors' Reports

Josephat Chinawa
describes for SIIC the most significant aspects of his article
describe para SIIC los aspectos relevantes de su artículo

The varying degrees of sleep behaviors

We concluded that medical students in our university have various degrees of sleep problems and this can affect their performance both in school and even after graduating as a doctor. It is therefore paramount to introduce sleep hygiene as a subject in medicine.

The article was published by
El artículo fue publicado por
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
Volume / Volumen: 17
Number / Número: 2
First and last pages / Páginas inicial-final: 232-236
Year / Año: 2014
Month / Mes: march

This journal, which is covered by SIIC Data Bases,
is part of the bibliographic collections of the Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.
Esta revista, clasificada por SIIC Data Bases,
integra el acervo bibliográfico de la Biblioteca Biomédica (BB) SIIC.

Principal institution where the research took place
Institución principal de la investigación
College Of medicine University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, Enugu, Enugu, Nigeria

Authors' Report

Crónica del Autor

Las diferentes conductas relacionadas con el sueño.
Patrones de Sueño entre Estudiantes de Medicina de una Universidad Nigeriana

Concluimos que los estudiantes de medicina de nuestra universidad tienen diferentes grados de trastornos del sueño, lo cual puede afectar su rendimiento durante la formación y una vez graduados como médicos. Por lo tanto, es fundamental introducir la higiene del sueño como una materia más en la carrera de medicina.
Crónica del Autor

Imprimir nota

Bibliographic references
Referencias bibliográficas

1. Bharti B, Mehta A, Malhi P. Sleep problems in children: a guide for primary care physicians. Indian J Pediatr 80:492-8, 2013.
2. Owens JA. Epidemiology of sleep disorders during childhood. In: Sheldon SH, Ferber R, Kryger MH, editors. Principles and Practices of Pediatric Sleep Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders, pp. 27-33, 2005.
3. Acebo C, Sadeh A, Seifer R, Tzischinsky O, Hafer A, Carskadon MA. Sleep/wake patterns derived from activity monitoring and maternal report for healthy 1- to 5-year-old children. Sleep 28:1568-77, 2005.
4. Quera-Salva MA, Orluc A, Goldenberg F, Guilleminault C. Insomnia and use of hypnotics: study of a French population. Sleep 14:386-91, 1991.
5. Lashkaripour K, Bakhshani NM, Mafi S. Sleep quality assessment of medicine students and physician (medical) assistants. Interdiscip J Contemp Res Bus 4:443-50, 2012.

Other articles written by the author Josephat Chinawa
Otros artículos de Josephat Chinawa

Ekwochi U, Chinawa JM, Obi I, Obu HA, Agwu S. Use and/or misuse of antibiotics in management of diarrhea among children in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria. J Trop Pediatr 59:314-6, 2013.
Eke CB, Obu HA, Chinawa JM, Adimora GN, Obi IE. Perception of child adoption among parents/care-givers of children attending pediatric outpatients' clinics in Enugu, South East, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2:17, 2014.
Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Uwaezuoke SN. Foreign body in vagina: an uncommon cause of vaginitis in children. Ann Med Health Sci Res 3:102-4, 2013.
Chinawa JM, Chinawa AT, Obu HA, Chukwu BF, Eke CB. Performance of medical students in paediatric examinations and associated factors. Curr Pediatr Res 17:101-105, 2013.
Mad AJ, Ubesie A, Ocheni S, Chinawa J, Madu KA, Goodswill O, Nonyelu IC, Eze A. Priapism in homozygous sickle cell patients: important clinical and laboratory associations. Med Princ Pract 2:15, 2014.
Chinawa JM, Ujunwa FA, Eze CU. Situs invertus totalis in a child with chronic sinusitis. Open Journal of Pediatrics 3:236-238, 2013.
Adiele DK, Chinawa JM, Arodiwe IO, Gouthami V, Murthy KS, Eze JC, et al. Atrial septal defects: Pattern, clinical profi le, surgical techniques and outcome at Innova heart hospital: A 4-year review. Niger Med J 55:126-9, 2014.
Chinawa JM, Obu H. Condylomata acuminata in an infant: A case report. Curr Pediatr Res 17(2):123-124, 2013.
Emodi IJ, Ikefuna AN, Ubesie AC, Chukwu BF, Chinawa JM. Assessment of clinical features and haematocrit levels in detection of hypoxaemia in sick children. African Journal of Respiratory Medicine 1:11-13, 2011.
Chinawa JM, Ubesie A, Chukwu BF, Ikefuna AN, Emodi IJ. Prevalence of hypoxemia among children with sickle cell anemia during steady state and crises: A cross-sectional study. Niger J Clin Pract 16:91-5, 2013.

SIIC System of Assisted Editing (SSEA)
/ Sistema SIIC de Edición Asistida (SSEA)

Josephat Chinawa was invited by SIIC on
Josephat Chinawa fue invitado por SIIC el
2014, may 9
  The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2024, july 25
The authors' report was accepted on
La crónica del autor fue aprobada el
2024, july 25
Published in siicsalud
Publicado en siicsalud
2024, october 23

The article is strictly related to the following sections of siicsalud
El artículo se relaciona estrictamente con las siguientes secciones de siicsalud

Medical Education
/ Educación Médica
/ Pediatría

and secondarily related to the following sections

y secundariamente con las siguientes secciones

Health Care Management
Administración Hospitalaria

Public Health
Salud Pública

Information about the full text
Acerca del trabajo completo

Sleep Practice Among Medical Students in Pediatrics Department of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria

Author / Autor
Josephat Chinawa1

1 Doctor, Department Of Pediatrics University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria, Enugu, Nigeria, Lecturer And Consultant

Access to the original source
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice

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